Translucent Borders is a project exploring ways that dancers and musicians can engage across geographic, cultural, and economic borders. Since 2015, Translucent Borders has facilitated global conversations between dancers and musicians in the Middle East, Greece, Cuba, and Ghana through interviews, knowledge-sharing circles, master classes, improvisatory lab work, and collaborative performance. The project is a Working Group of NYU’s Global Institute for Advanced Study.
Film by Oresti Tsonopoulos, Edited by Alexandra Stewart
By Andy Teirstein
A border can be represented by a line on a map. But expand that line, it becomes its own space, fertile with the dramatic potential for either violence or something else—learning, collaboration, evolution. As ethnographer Amy Horowitz puts it, “the edge can become the center.” Translucent Borders gathers artist scholars to look at points of global intersection. Our observations are based on experiences in the field. There is no substitute for being there.